Does the first impression matter? Maybe not in all cases. But when you feel you have just met the love of your life, it sure does. Your first surprise gift must be mind-blowing, don’t sell yourself short. Searching for cheap gift ideas does not make you scrooge.
It is quite normal to be nervous about what type and quality of gift item your new partner in the Philippines will value and find amusing, but the truth is, you don’t even have to break the bank to buy and send beautiful gifts.
Often, the quality of a gift item has nothing to do with its price tag or the store we ordered them. Instead, recipients consider whether those gifts are things they inherently value. So, if you are trying to send a surprise gift to your partner in the Philippines, here are ten cheap gift ideas that generally appeal to Filipinos and would have your partner blushing.
1. Fashionable Clothes

Everyone wears clothes. You’d hardly find a Filipino that does not fancy putting on foreign shirts and showing off among their friends, whether during regular meetups or planned outings. Sending clothes as a gift to your partner is equally an excellent way to have them remember you and get their friends curious about who the new person is. Thankfully, it is an affordable gift idea in the Philippines. The only challenge here is knowing your partner’s size, favorite colors, and brand. Once you get all these, you can set your plans in motion.
2. Chocolates

Just so you know, chocolates are a big deal in the Philippines. The rave is even higher if the chocolates are hard to come by at local stores. No matter how picky they may seem, your partner will love chocolate combos such as diary milk and honeycomb pieces, then fruit and nut. To make the surprise gift special, you can also search for chocolate brands that are not quite popular in the Philippines, compare prices, combos and check out their reviews before ordering. Chocolates are cheap gift ideas, but Filipinos love them.
You can also always opt for chocolate bouquets from LocalGift.ph. They are very much prevalent these days and it takes a unique turn compared to the traditional flower bouquets.
3. Red Roses

In the Philippines, Filipinos buy flowers only when paying condolence visits. However, every Filipino knows that the exception to the notion is red roses. Of course, red roses are too beautiful to convey sad occurrences. Instead, they depict romantic gestures and interests. If you think your partner would love a surprise gift in from of red roses, get them. They are adorable and affordable gift ideas you can send to the Philippines.
4. Jewelry

While the male gender is not so big on the jewelry and accessories side, if your partner is a Filipina, she will adore jewelry and accessories, should you choose to buy them as your surprise gift. Diamonds, Pearls, stud earrings, gold-glazed necklace, and fanciful bracelets are some affordable gift you can consider for your new partner in the Philippines. These are things they can comfortably wear everywhere they go, keeping them thinking about you and your thoughtfulness. If the jewelry is flashy and quite noticeable, it makes the effect more significant. They’ll have you to thank for every compliment they get.
5. Rice Cooker or Kitchen Appliances

This one’s for food freaks (but really, who doesn’t like food?). If you have noticed your partner talks about food frequently in your conversations and would not mind cooking their meals, getting a rice cooker for them may be the best gift they’ll ever receive. Every Filipino considers a meal to be complete, only when there’s cooked rice on the menu. Buying a rice cooker for your partner may seem unconventional, but they’ll be amazed at how deep you thought about the gift. Interestingly, it is a cheap gift you can buy online in the Philippines.
6. Perfume

Sending one’s partner a perfume box can never go out of fashion. After all, smelling nice goes a long way to determine the level of an individual’s attractiveness. So, if you are looking for a cheap gift to send to your partner in the Philippines, a designer perfume with soothing fragrance will do the magic. Hint: Filipino ladies love CK Obsession.
7. Netflix Subscription

When you don’t want to break the bank but want your partner to relax all weekend and enjoy some good movies while having you at the back of their mind, get them a movie streaming subscription as gifts. Filipinos love watching movies and shows, and for an adult who works on weekdays, spending some time watching a carefully selected set of films from their partner would sure help them ease stress.
8 Cookbook

Cookbooks are often underrated. But to Filipinos who strive to eat healthily and try out new recipes every time they hit the kitchen, they are usually priceless. Even though a cookbook appears as a cheap gift idea for a partner whose heart you are still trying to win, it strikes as a gesture of wanting them to be healthy, eat the right foods and treat themselves to delicious meals. And you don’t have to dig too deep into your pockets too. A cookbook is a cheap gift idea you can send to your partner in the Philippines.
9. Stuffed Toys

Sending stuffed toys as gift items are particularly ideal for Filipino ladies who are still in their 20s. It is quite common to cuddle with, play with, and decorate rooms with cute stuffed toys. The exciting part is, they are never too many, and their sizes even add to the overall admiration they have for them. So, if you are looking to send gifts to your partner in the Philippines, stuffed toys are a cheap option. Feel free to buy different sizes.
10. Gift Card

If you have read this far and still unsure that your partner will love any of the cheap gifts ideas already shared, why not get them a gift card? The monetary value of the card doesn’t have to be neck-breaking. After all, it is a surprise gift. They wouldn’t have seen it coming. After deciding your budget, you can purchase the card, then get it delivered when they least expect. With a gift card, your partner can get what they think is most beneficial to them at the time, and they’ll have you to thank.
As you decide what works best for you and your partner, you should understand that the amount charged for a gift is not an essential factor. Instead, your gifting gesture and how well the gift describes them will create the magic. Good luck!