Yes, your Filipino partner has been fantastic since you met them. Your conversations have been smooth, you suddenly feel alive again, and now, you want to order an online gift in the Philippines to surprise them. Smart move! But even when you think you know their gift preferences, and you have discovered how to send gifts online to the Philippines, have you thought about the perfect day to send what gift?
You don’t want to ruin your plans, efforts, and the surprise just because the gift delivery is on a bad day or at an inconvenient time for your partner. The entire process means a lot to you, agreed, but it will also trigger a lot of emotions for them. You should choose positive ones. So, how can all your plans sync to produce a very memorable experience for this person you have become so fond of? Below are some premium tips.
Best Online Gifts to Send to your Partner on Weekdays

Your partner in the Philippines most likely has a job or will be engaged with activities during the week. They must have complained about their hectic schedules, deadlines, and whatnot. As much as a surprise gift will lift their mood, not every gift idea will trigger positive memories on weekdays.
If your goal is to help them stay motivated, show support for their weekday engagements, or help them get through their tasks, even without being physically present, you may want to consider buying them a chocolate box.
As you browse for online gift shops in the Philippines like LocalGift.ph, look out for those that have affordable chocolate bundles. Chocolates help people stay active and happy, no matter how much workload they have. However, it would help if you also considered the gift delivery time with the online vendor. Let them know you chose to send gifts online to your partner in the Philippines because you believe they will be swift and deliver on time. Chocolates may melt when transported under the sun. While it’ll be excellent for your partner to munch on them during a lunch break, it is ideal that the gift gets there just before noon.
Other thoughtful online gifts you can send to the Philippines that you can send on weekdays are:
Get your partner biscuits if they prefer them over chocolates. Your partner can share it with colleagues or friends. Some pleasant conversations may come up about the sender; you never can tell.
Something they can eat at lunch. Cakes are usually in different sizes. If you think they’d like to share, you can get a size that is enough to go around.
Easy to consume as they work. If it’s a box of different sweets, they can take one at a time, and even take whatever is left home. They won’t stop thinking about you if they have enough to take to work for more days.
Inspirational card
It can be a handwritten note stating how much you believe in them and how you think they are performing. You can write the letter yourself, look for an online gift delivery shop with a dedicated courier service in the Philippines, scan and send it to them. The gift shop can then print it out on a cute emboss and deliver it at lunchtime, just when they’ll be needing some encouragement to push through the day.
But before you process any online gift delivery on a weekday, be sure that your partner will be able to receive them upon arrival. Some workplace rules do not give room for such gestures. There are indirect ways to learn about this from your new lover. Do that first.
Best Online Gifts to Send to your Partner on Weekends

On weekends, you can throw caution to the wind, as long as your partner fancies the gift you end up sending to them. Since you have just met them, it is very thoughtful to visit an online gift store in the Philippines, purchase a gift card with a reasonable coupon value, then send it to them to shop for whatever they would like to have for the weekend. Gift cards are just like open cheques; you can’t get it wrong.
Timing for a weekend surprise gift is also quite important. For some people in the Philippines, the weekend starts once they are off work on a Friday and would rather spend their weekends locked up in their apartments. So, Friday, in the evening, is ideal for this set of individuals. If you think your partner would prefer staying locked up in their apartment all weekend, have an agreement with the online gift delivery service in the Philippines to send the gift items at the time you think they’ll be home on Friday.
Other online gifts you can send to your partner in the Philippines on the weekend are:
Cookware and bakeware
This is the best gift if they enjoy cooking. Most people cook more on weekends. Your gift can serve as the best start to your partner’s weekend if cooking is already on the list of activities they plan to engage in during that period. Just be sure that the online gift shop is in the Philippines so they can deliver early enough.
Full course meals
If they feel lazy on Saturday mornings. Ordering a proper meal online and sending it to your partner on a Saturday is a romantic gesture they won’t forget easily. They wake up to a call or a doorbell, and viola, their breakfast is right on their table. Very Soothing!
In all, ensure you know your partner’s plans for the weekend before you send online gifts to them from any shop in the Philippines. For instance, sending an edible gift when they are already booked for meals may turn out to be a waste of money and effort. During your conversations, ask to know where they will be when they are off work for the week. You don’t want to pay for an online gift delivery when the recipient is not at home when the gift items arrive, or when they’ve already eaten before your edibles come.
These planning and preparations do not mean you’ll be spending a lot of money. You have to keep discussing and learning about your new partner to discover how and when best to send gifts to them.